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Friday, April 28, 2006

Why cities matter

I don't remember much from my University (Poly) days - not because of the usual student excesses, but because I was actually a pretty rubbish student and was far busier running round doing union and Labour Party work than I was studying.

I remember very few of the books I had to read during my three year Urban Studies degree (sorry no link, they closed the programme down the year after I graduated), but I do remember 'Cities and the Wealth of Nations' by Jane Jacobs, who sadly died earlier this week. You can read her Guardian obituary here.

From what I remember of her work she was a passionate believer in the city as a crucial economic and social entity - an idea which has been (partially) revived in the emerging interest in 'city regions' in the UK.

However, I suspect that most of the recent urban 'regeneration' we've seen in the UK (which seems to be based on the holy trinity of faux loft/warehouse apartments, new build office space which looks dated and tired before the concretes even set and making stag nights and hen parties the focal point of your economic strategy) would have profoundly depressed her. It profoundly depresses me anyway.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Last of the Corinthians

Just got a call off my brother to tell me that Brian Labone died last night (I've been away so hadn't seen the local papers this morning).

I obviously never got to see him play, but he was a true Everton legend, and I did get the chance to have a few words with him some years back when we me and my brother got chatting to him (after a few pints) after a 'Meet the players' type do. He was great bloke and a blue through and through.

You can read the official EFC tribute to Brian here.

Left foot forwards!

Next Monday thousands of people will be gathering in London to show their support for better working rights.

To find out more - and to have a go on the TUC's snappy new 'left foot forwards' web-game click here.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Union Ideas Network is go!

Back in London today for, amongst other things, the launch of the Union Ideas Network.

Its taken nearly a year since I first talked about this project at the BUIRA conference in Newcastle, but hopefully it'll have been worth the wait!

Friday, April 07, 2006

Labour Party effort to 'engage'*...

I've been a Labour Party member for the best part of 14 years, but as a rule I don't tend to respond to the various e-mails I get from them asking for further funding.

But how can you say 'No' to a direct order from Cpt Jean-Luc Picard of the Starship Enterprise?

Patrick Stewart is almost 'Clooney-esque' in his all round good blokeness - 'that' voice, good looking, sophisticated and a Labour Party member to boot. My only gripe is that I only meet one of those criteria!

* apologies for lame 'headline' - possible alternatives were 'Labour Party Enterprise' or 'Party encourages supporters to Klingon' - any other equally feeble suggestions in comments please.

Labour Party Supporters Network

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

My friends in the North

Back in London, after spending the weekend in Newcastle to speak at the Northern TUC Annual Conference. The 'proper' guest speakers included Mark Serwotka and Elias Santana, from FENACLE in Ecuador.

Some of this blogs many readers (ahem) may know that I was the TUC's regional secretary in the North East & Cumbria prior to doing this job, so I always enjoy going back to Newcastle; its a good chance to meet up with old friends and comrades. Only low point to the weekend was Everton dropping 2 points to Sunderland at home...