Its my Party and I'll cry if I want to...
Not at Labour Party Conference this year - in fact I haven't been for a couple of years now, and can't say I've miss it particularly. Spending a week a standing in security queues, arguing a lot - sorry enjoying mature political discourse - and struggling up and down the front of a wet and windy seaside town no longer hold the same appeal as they used too strangely.
Like all major political conferences (especially those held by the Party in Government), Labour Party Conference is many different things to many different people: for union and constituency delegates its a chance to try and hold the Government to account and to form and influence policy; for some its a week by the seaside trying to break previous year's drinking records; and for lots and lots of corporate types its another stop on their whirlwind tour of draughty conference-halls and exhibition centres - 'promoting' everything and anything you could possibly imagine.
Somewhere in the region of 20,000+ people will make their way down to Brighton this week - all with different agendas or objectives, some laudable, some not so laudable.
Other blogs will give a better, up-to-date, and informed view of the conference than this one (check out Bloggers4Labour for a full range of views), so I'm not going bother with any sort of analysis.
Instead I thought it'd be best to just let you, the people who read this blog, (there are some) express their own thoughts in the comments section. To make it interesting I'd like you to articulate your thoughts in no more than ONE word. Examples could include: 'great', 'depressing', 'historic', 'cheesy' - whatever your thoughts, good or bad, just one word please. Oh, and please try and keep it clean!
About time we followed the lead of most other countries and broke the union link with the unashamedly pro-boss New Labour rump
One word!
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