Off-shoring is becoming passé That's according to this
Business Week article flagged up to me by Dave Whalin who is based in the US.
The article looks at the rise of so called 'Home-shoring'; people (mainly women) working from home covering call-centre style functions.
Of course homeworking is nothing new in the UK. According to the
National Group on Homeworking (NGH) there are over 1m industrial homeworkers in the UK already, and their isolation, uncertain employment status and reliance on 'middle-men' mean they are often vulnerable to exploitation and abuse from employers.
As a trade unionist my first reaction is to cry foul and bemoan the rise of home-working and home-shoring; but my experience of working with the NGH a couple of years ago made me realise that as uncomfortable a truth as it may be, some women -particularly those with caring responsibilities - see this sort of pattern of working as a godsend. The problem isn't homeworking itself, the problem is that employment and health and safety legislation (in both the US and UK) just isn't robust enough to protect these workers.
Unions too have struggled (for good reason - its not an easy or straightforward task) to organise these workers, or more to the point, to help these workers organise themselves. However according to the NGH four out of ten 10 homeworkers would actively welcome some sort of trade union involvement, with only 5% of those surveyed feeling that unions have nothing to offer them. Indeed, there is some international experience, most notably that of
TCFUA in Australia, which shows that unions can effectively organise and represent this group of workers.
These sort of trends pose a lot of hard questions for unions. Can we stand Canute-like and try to reverse these sorts of trends in employment, or do we instead try and develop flexible models of trade unionism which ensure that workers, wherever or however they are employed get respect at work. On the other hand is this sort of approach the thin end of dangerous wedge?
Any thoughts or opinions on this?