Posted a couple of weeks ago about our trip to Bala - which we went on a couple of days after the bombs in London on 7/7.
We were back there this weekend (here), and now it seems we weren't the only ones...papers this weekend are carrying a story claiming that some of last week's group attended a whitewater rafting trip (here - a pleasant 5min walk from where we camped the other week) with Mohammad Sidique Khan and Shehzad Tanweer.
Bala probably isn't anyone's idea of an international terrorist training camp, but I suppose this just shows how utterly banal, and therefore even more terrifying, the problem we are currently facing on the streets of London (and perhaps soon elsewhere?) is. This isn't top level terrorist summits in the wilds of Afghanistan or Pakistan, its young British men meeting in North bloody Wales of all places, to decide how best to kill as many innocent people as possible.
In its own little way this incident shows how ineffective ID cards would be in stopping the sort of attacks we've seen in London over the past few weeks. While ID cards may help prevent people flying in and out of Afghanistan to plan terror - its hard to see how they can help tackle terrorists tootling down the A494.
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