Is this the way to Aberystwyth?
In Aberystwyth today for a meeting with the Wales TUC, where I gave a presentation, alongside Ed Heery and David Nash from Cardiff Business School, looking at some of the organising challenges facing unions in Wales.
Although union density is higher in Wales than virtually any other part of the UK, its declining at a faster rate than elsewhere as well.
One of the things to come out of the meeting, which was held in the National Library of Wales, is that the Wales TUC will be setting up a dedicated forum to bring together organisers from across the country, to help unions share ideas and experience, which can only be a good thing.

Long - but nice - drive...
Not going to moan how long it took me to get there - oh hell I am, it was 3 1/2 hours each way near enough - but the consolation was that I got to drive through some beautiful bits of mid and North Wales just as the full moon was rising, and as it was so close to the horizon it looked huge (it wasn't though as Wikipedia will explain - science is the mortal enemy of whimsy!).
Anyway, to continue the lunar link, when I got home Joe (7) read his school-book to me before bed, which was all about the planets and the solar system. Being able to pass on your knowledge, insight and 'Uranus' jokes to your kids is what parenthood is all about!
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