Leeds - Blackburn - EvertonIn Leeds yesterday to speak at a
Critical Labour Studies workshop - interesting afternoon, especially the final session on the future of the union-Labour Link which featured a contribution from Steve Davison who chairs the
Amicus NEC.
I was asked to speak about the
Union Ideas Network which is due to be launched in Jan 2006. The UIN, which is supported by the TUC, will be hosted by
Keele University and the
Work & Employment Research Centre at the University of Northumbria, and is essentially aimed at helping unions, academics and policy-makers work much more closely. Doesn't sound mega-interesting I know, but I think its going to be quite an exciting initiative (well more exciting than I've made it sound anyway!). I'll post more info as the UIN develops.
Just got back on the road to get the tail-end of the footie results;
Everton won 2-0 at Blackburn (the first time this season we've scored more than 1 goal!), meaning the Blues have won 4 out of the last 5 and relegation is looking less and less likely...watch out for a late surge at a Champions League place...well maybe not this year!
I've already pretty much decided that this year will be last (for a while anyway) as a season ticket holder at
Goodison Park, so I'm hoping the Blues will make my last season a good one. I've had a season ticket with my dad and brother since 1995 so it'll be weird not going along every other week, but other commitments (three kids, work) have to come first.
If I'm honest, I think that football has lost a little of its appeal over the last few seasons. I know its fashionable to knock Premiership footie at the moment but 3 things have been gnawing away at me for a while now: kick-off times which seem to be at any day and time of the week except 3pm on Saturday; Everton's 'board' (
Bill Kenwright) and administration who manage to combine cackhandedness, cynicism and downright manipulation of the truth to devastating effect (
Fortress Sports Fund anyone?); and the overall cynicism which seems to be permeating the game from the top-down (wander along to any junior match on your local park on a Sunday and marvel at the kids - and their dads - who seem to think bawling out of the referee are part and parcel of the game).
Maybe I'm just getting old?
No doubt I'll be back, but think this year is going to be the last for a few more to come that Everton extracts the best part of a £1,000 from my wallet (combined total for season ticket, cup-games, kits for kids, merchandise, beer and pies). Oh, actually totting up the beers and pies thats probably more like £1500!

Any thoughts on all of the above?
(Pic - Everton main sponsors Chang Beer. £1,500 a years worth?)