Working class hero

25 years ago today John Lennon was shot dead in New York.
I was eight years old at the time, and I think it was the first time that the death of someone really registered with me.
Even at that age I thought 'Imagine' was pretty special - but I suppose that's because it has an almost childlike simplicity and naivete; commodities which are sadly in short supply in today's ever more cynical and complex world.
Like virtually every kid who joined a band in their teens (especially those brought up within spitting distance of Liverpool), I loved the Beatles - and especially Lennon.
There are lots of things about Liverpool that make me cringe - Jimmy Tarbuck, 'scouse humour', the irrational fear and loathing of all things Mancunian (hold my hand up to that one), the oversentimentality, Cilla Black, 'You'll never walk alone', people going the shops in their pajamas during the day (really), 'Scouseology' and 'Merseypride' to name just a few. But John Lennon makes all that 'scouse-mouse' crapola irrelevant. Naming the airport after him was the very least we could do!
While McCartney will forever be 'The Frog Chorus', 'Mull of Kintyre' and quorn burgers - Lennon was cool, anti-war, eccentric and just a little bit mad. For a teenager wanting to change the world (through the power of music in my front bedroom no less), Lennon was pretty much the complete package.
The Beatles split up before I was born, but one of the first records I ever bought was a 'dodgy' Beatles compilation, swiftly followed by 'Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band'; and I'm sure that virtually everyone has at least one Beatle's record in their all-time top 10.
For me Lennon's best songs are those linked to his relationship with Yoko Ono - Woman, Jealous Guy, Starting Over, Beautiful Boy - are all songs which make the hairs stand up on the back of my neck every time I hear them, and which pretty much lay-bare the roller-coaster of his emotions at the time (sorry if this is sounding more and more like a dreadful collection of the worst music cliches ever written - I don't do 'feelings stuff' all that well!).
Working class hero? To me he was. Sure he was flawed but then all the true greats are.
'Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans' - that line alone does it for me.
Any Lennon thoughts? Other favourite lines?
Lennon was an alright guy and yes I too was inspired to join a band because of him, I played the drums on a scrabble box. However I must disagree with you, all the best offerings of Lennon and the Beatles were from their earlier stuff like Hard Day's Night, before they became completely off their rockers. The music was more raw and simple.
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