Dusting down the denim jacket...

Off to see The Proclaimers this weekend - can't wait. Last time I saw them they were brilliant; great night, marred only slightly by one embarrassing incident I won't mention here (came after a few too many San Miguels...).
I'm sure they'll be an improvement on the band I went to see on Monday.
Clapyourhandssayyeah have been all over Radio 6, The Guardian etc for the last few weeks, but after suffering through their gig in Liverpool I have to say they were complete pants! Think David Byrne and Talking Heads without the tunes (not too mention charisma or even a hint of personality).
They are also the only band I've ever seen who have provoked a giggling fit (well in our group anyway) as soon as the singer opened his mouth. Cats wailing would have come as a blessed relief - I thought the bloke had trapped a nerve or something at first before I realised I was in for an hour of his shrieking.
The Nowak verdict? A clear case of Clapyourhandssaysucks (see what I did there, clever eh?).
Anyway - don't take my word for it. I'd be the first to admit that a man whose CD collection (slowly transferring to I-tunes) contains the BeeGees, Bruce Springsteen and Bjork (and that's just the B's) is hardly at the cutting edge of so-called 'popular music', but as the saying goes, 'I know what I like' and Clapyourhandssayeah, are not it!
go on, tell us what happened at the concert, where and when? I might have been there
You were there (the nom-de-plume doesn't fool me)!
And as you were there you know its so cringeworthy that I'm not going to spill the beans!
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