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Monday, June 20, 2005

I'm not too good with figures, but haven't we got a problem here?

What do you get when you combine record levels of student debt, a (still) out of control housing market desperately short of social housing, cheap credit, and the withdrawal of employer backed final salary pensions schemes...answers on a post card to the 'Lets all pray that interest rates stay in the single digits' competition...

Leaving aside the worrying long-term financial pigeons that a whole generation must fear coming home to roost, shouldn't we be just a bit concerned that one in four parents now have adult children living at home?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Born in the 60's, hitting labour market in 80's, Thatcher, Major, then a Left wing Tory called Blair - what else do you expect? A caring society, Socialism or old fashioned labourism needs to make a comback pretty soon. But how you do it, I just don't know and I am pleased to be 67. Some of us did fight, but we lost out. Sorry.

11:14 PM  
Blogger Paul said...

Think one challenge for us has got to be helping Labour to trust the electorate, rather simply conceding ground to the right.

On a whole range of issues politicians are out of step with the people they are supposed to represent.

I think the electorate as a whole is far more radical than politicians give them credit for. Take bringing back rail into public ownership, or the delivery of public services as examples.

UNISON released a YouGov poll today showing 9/10 of the electorate want the public sector to deliver public services. But this isn't refllected at all in the current political discourse which is all about 'choice'.

UNISON link is here:

10:53 AM  

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