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Thursday, July 28, 2005

30 years on

This afternoon the IRA announced the end of its 'armed campaign' - bringing an end to some 30 years of republican terrorism in both Ireland and the UK. You can read more here.

Of course, as one terrorist chapter closes, another has recently opened in the UK - but perhaps today's announcement shows two things.

Firstly, that terrorism is ultimately futile - alienating both those it purports to speak on behalf of, and those who it seeks to influence. Blowing up the innocent is a sign of weakness, not of strength.

And secondly, that terrorism can't be defeated by clampdowns, a suspension of legal and civil rights or enhanced security alone. Many people, over many years, can take credit for today's announcement by the IRA, but I think unions in both Ireland and the UK can be be proud of their record of helping bridge the sectarian divide and building genuine solidarity between working class people on both sides of the divide. You can read the Irish Congress's statement on today's announcement here.


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