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Thursday, August 04, 2005

Early start

On my way down to Cardiff by train this morning. Bit of an early start - as I have to be there by 11, and it'll take me the best part of 4 hours.

A few years ago this sort of trip would have meant a few hours gazing out at the (beautiful) mid-Wales scenery and ploughing through a book. Now, thanks to the wonders of modern technology (well my blackberry and a lap-top), the trip down and back will give me a few hours to clear off all those boring bits of work I know have to be done, but which I've managed to avoid for a while.

I'll also get a chance to update my 'to-do' list which has morphed into a bit of an opus over the last few months. As one item gets crossed out, 2 more seem to appear - I am sure there is a scientific metaphor for this but at 6.15am my recall of GCSE Biology (B no less), Chemistry (C) and Physics (D) is limited!

Next stop Caerddydd Canolog!


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