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Sunday, November 20, 2005

'Will' he or won't he?

Forget union Barons, Amicus may be about to get its own union 'Prince'.

According to the Daily Mirror, Amicus are sending new HSBC employee, Prince William, a membership form.

Not holding out much hope that he'll actually sign up - that £9.40 a month may make too much of a dent in his modest income - but you never know. What next? Edward for Equity? Andrew for the FDA (all that jetting round the world visiting golf courses, erm I mean, on behalf of the DTI)?

Of course union membership is a tradition in the Royal Family. Apparently the Queen Mum was an "Honorary Porter" of Smithfield Meat Market, and Princess Margaret of course was a lifelong member of the National Association of Licensed House Managers :-)....

Any other suggestions for appropriate unions for members of the Royal family?


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